What is the Mayan School of Embodiment

Hola serene maverick,

I've been doing all the things except writing this note to you. 

You will understand in a minute why this feels so hard and why cleaning in between the crannies of my wooden desk took over my afternoon.

You see the logo at the top of this note? 


Gosh, it has nice ring to it - doesn't it?

You may have noticed or possibly not at all that CARO GOMEZ is no longer the focus of my masterpiece. It dawned on me about 6 months ago that this work is much bigger than my name.

I'll tell you, my ego wasn't too pleased - but in a funny way she also totally understood and was happy (for once!) to cheer me on. 

“Go on love, this is for all of us!” she said.

And so, swiftly and quietly CARO GOMEZ the label - is no more.

Practically, this means that as of Sept 2023 the website will cease to exist. And all the branded bits I have hanging around will go into my business memory box. 


  • Don't Be Vanilla

  • Lunamano

  • Latin London Mama

  • Neon Threads

  • Social Pineapple

  • The Latin Runway

Are you sensing a theme here?

Welcome to the Mayan School of Embodiment.

Where we honour the wisdom of all lineages

Where we seek to balance & blend our rational mind with our creative spirit

Where all parts of your being are invited to come together and dance their way to inner power, joy & grounded wisdom

Through ritual, ceremony and adornment peppered with ancestral stories for good measure

Come and be part of this last chapter and the beginning of a new one.

I promise it will be quite the ride!




What to do when someone triggers you


You are not alone