This is what building legacy feels like Part I
I'm taking you back in time these next few weeks, to a place of timelessness, divine polarity, magic and plenty of tears. In a good way. It feels like I'm late - but actually the timing is impeccable.
Keep reading to find out why.
I'm late. No, no, no, not in THAT way!
What I mean is, the new year as we tend to celebrate it is long come and gone so this niggling part inside of me keeps saying “you're late, you should've sent some sort of 2023 acknowledgement ages ago! You should've posted on your grid last month!"
You know those voices…but here's what's different this time.
I spent the last 10 days (I think, time expanded massively) in the jungle of Peten, Guatemala. In ceremony, ritual and a deep transformational journey with the Mayan shamans and their land. We were a small group of Mayanauts (yep, just made that up) and to my surprise I was the only person from the area (literally a 40min airplane ride away from San Salvador) and everyone else was from the US, bar one lovely Canadian lady and Irish guy.
Immediately, I fell in love with my roommate, a 70-year-old petite woman with the opinions of a volcano and the softness of a well-travelled explorer, unmarried with no children, she's dedicated 53 years of her life to travelling. Later on, between a few glasses of wine and laughter, she would remark how composed and self-resourced I was in general but when it came to anything to do with the Mayan lands, teachings and the shamans I'd crumble into tears in a nanosecond.
She called it then.
This journey “is your destiny!”.
Peten. A sacred ceremony held in the same place that the Mayas would've had theirs around 2000 years ago!
The first day we met Tata Julio in the quiet gardens of Antigua Guatemala there was a volcano spitting with tender loving care its gases. It looked like a cloud dancing in the sky in slow motion, it wasn't that. El volcán de Fuego had something to say.
He began to tell us the story of creation according to the Maya - and like children we all listened intently.
The East is where the sun rises, new beginnings and births, and the West is where is sets. Unlike what we've learnt in western society, it is the East not the North of most importance to the Mayas. Its colour is red.
The West represents the underworld, where things come to an end, where the sun sets, where our ancestors live + dance and so when you ask for ancestral support look at the East (your phone can help you identify this) and your back is literally supported by the arm of the West i.e those that came before you. Black is associated with the West.
The North is the road to the sky, the meaning of wisdom, the wisdom we acquire from our ancestors. If you're purpose on Earth is complete you become a star in the sky if not you come back ;) and it represents the feminine. As you stand facing the East, the North is on your left hand side which stands for the feminine flow. Its colour is white.
The South is the mysterious generative power of the soil that makes plants grow and sprout. It sits on the right hand side when you stand facing East and so it represents male energy, the strength and abundance of one's family line. Its colour is yellow.
Humans, man and woman, were made from corn. The four kinds of corn representing the races of the universe. Red corn, yellow corn, black corn and white corn. Each colour corresponding to the four cardinal directions.
Tata Julio told us the misconception is “Mayas believed in all sorts of Gods, the sun, moon, etc but the reality is they believed in one energy, ONE universal energy. All else springs from that ONE energy.”
And that's when my first tears started to flow like a river, uncontrollably.
“Why was I never taught this?!?!”
“I learnt a story of creation that made zero sense. A woman that came from a rib!? What??? and it was her fault that it all went to shit?! What???"
The Mayan ‘new’ year begins on the 21st of Feb and it wasn't really a beginning because time to them is not linear, it's a circle.
And that's why, I'm not to be late.
And neither are you.
Are you willing to see your life from a different point of view?
Let me know your date of birth (with the year) and I'll send you back your Mayan nawal (your energy sign, spirit animal, element and personality traits according to Mayan astrology) - this knowledge is ancient, internally coherent systems with deeper roots and way more powerful than anything I've ever experienced and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
In Joy + Power,