You’re allowed to make shut up

Hola Radiant Woman,

I've missed you. 

As we cleanse the digital cobwebs and I share these words, let's take a deep breath in…




Slightly limping on a Spirit level and a little tired on a physical level, having your child go through their first surgery is no picnic.

My mind was totally fine, going through the motions, understanding that her knee was in the best medical care western medicine has to offer and of course, calling in all my allies aka the ancestral squad to support us in this journey.

My body on the other hand - had another idea. 

In somatics (of the body) we speak about a felt sense. This is simply saying that the language of your body is sensations.

As you read this note, is your body bracing? Is it relaxed? Do you sense an itch anywhere? Can you feel the sensation of the bedsheet rubbing against your skin?

Well, all these sensations can get overridden when massive overwhelm inundates your body like a fucking tsunami. 

As my daughter got rolled into the operating theatre completely out on anaesthesia and I walked towards the waiting area - it happened.

Tears flowed like they haven't in a while 

Tingles all over my hands and legs like ants ready for battle

Narrowed eyes, ringing in my ears

And that familiar “I'm going to faint” sensation…

I didn't faint.

I cried.
Like a desolate child I went back to her room to wait.

The clock started seemingly going backwards, and in that moment with the medicine of Eagle (the doctors in the operating room) doing their thing, I brought in the medicine of Condor (the intangible stuff). 

Whenever you need grounding, an altar does wonders. I created an impromptu altar that included her mobile phone and a rubix cube, rooting me back to tierra (Earth) in an instant.

I sat on the floor and sang a song I'd never heard. 
You could say, I made it all up. 

First name / Medicine woman, here's what I want you to remember:

You're allowed to make sh*t up
This is what we're not taught about spirituality. We miss out on so much magic when we try to overcomplicate things, and get it “right” or not offend.

And when you combine this mantra with your innate creativity (because if you're here you already know you're a creative genius, I mean an iphone in an altar? GENIUS)…


The joy and the inner power you tap into is just next level.
In Creative Joy + Spirit,



P.S Maya is recovering well :) thanks to Eagle and Condor medicine. They're more powerful together.


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