Part I: How to come out of the spiritual closet

spiritual closet

Hola Witchy One,

Franca and I have been crafting the most magical experience for you.

But, really - why should you give a flying fuck about magic?

You see, many years ago when I was about 7 we had a chicken pet. It was one of these little chicks you win in magic shows when you go to fairs. 

These little chicks generally died very quickly. It was so rare to see them survive past a few weeks.

Not Piti (that was her name) - Piti was well looked after. We took turns with my brother to clean her home, give her food, water, keep her warm and love her. And it not only survived, it thrived! It became a full-grown chicken with massive wings, and a beautiful white feather outfit.

One day, my brother went out to feed her in the garden and she was nowhere to be found.

We looked everywhere.

We cried. A lot.

That night we went to bed with our eyes still red and swollen and it must have been around 3am when I woke up hearing a little chirp right in my left ear. It got louder and further away - I chased the sound out of my room, through the hallway and into the garden.

I saw her!!!!

Flapping her wings and walking really fast.

It turned a corner in the garden that was shaped like an L and as I turned after her…

She was gone.

I ran back to my brother's room and woke him up “she's alive! come quickly!”

He looked at me like I was crazy - he must have been 14 at the time - and said “go back to bed, she's gone, it's all in your mind”

My heart sank a thousand miles down through the Earth.

The next morning, I told my parents and I was met with the same blank look.

“It was probably all dream, she's gone”

That was the day I learnt that if I wanted to belong in my own family (or anywhere for that matter) I had to hide my magic.

The Spirit world was never to be spoken of in order to survive.

I never told anyone about any of my witchy encounters, ever again because being labelled the crazy one, or a liar felt so awful. I never wanted to feel that again.

I believe you First name / Goddess, without a shadow of doubt have this magic inside of you. You might manifest it with herbs, or with kitchen concoctions and remedies, or maybe you do it by having powerful dreams and premonitions. Or maybe you're a sacred artist, a medium, or have the psychic gifts of seeing, hearing, feeling, or are a medicine women, space holder, dream weaver, nurturer or rainmaker.

Or what often happens - a combination of all of the above. As women we have so many gifts that choosing one for the sake of an IG bio is almost an impossible task!

If you've ever felt the need to shut down your inner witch to be safe and not be labelled ‘weird or crazy’ - I want to invite you to let her come out and play.

It's time.

And truth is the we need your magic out in the world, visibly. Without you - this world is fucked. The divine feminine energy is rising to create communities where we listen to one another. Where we remember the healing powers of Mama Earth, where businesses are created consciously and with intention, where we become a little kinder to one another because it's not about the fight of the fittest, but the joy of collaboration and we tend back to the land that has given us all we have and all we are. 

You have a purpose in this lifetime - and it can feel super scary. The thing is, you're not alone.

And if you're wondering what happened to Piti? I'll tell you in my next note ;)

In Joy + Power



Part II: How to Step out of the Spiritual Closet


Viva la Vulva creative retreat: it happened